Greetings Everyone,
As always I want to start with gratitude for the love and support I have received! I'm less than an week in and have already had $150 in contributions! I am humbled by your love and support.
My ponderings for the past couple of days have been on the alpine riding in bad weather. Wallowa County has been hit with some early winter weather and many people out hunting second elk season have needed Search and Rescue (SAR) to come save them. Depending on elevation we've had from inches to feet of snow and in places there are 10' drifts!!! I've done a fair share of winter mountain riding, but I admit if given the choice I'd stay off the icy steep trails. When I'm competing in the Derby I will have to go no matter what the weather.
What will make the Derby experience a bit different for me is that I am going to have to be warm and pack light! I'm use to having a pack mule all my own to carry my big ol' 35lb bedroll and extra everything warm clothes. In the derby I will need to be self sufficient with the clothes on my back and what fits in my saddle bags. So on the cold winter nights I have coming ahead I'm going to have to be thinking long and hard about gear selection and weight.
If you know of some good waterproof, durable riding attire please email or facebook message me with information. I'm lucky because I have a year to plan, but need to get cracking!
Thanks all! <3